Things that I Recommend You to Do when You are in Slump

みなさんこんにちは、FRAME TOKYOのKYOSUKE です。あっという間に夏が終わり、季節は秋になりました。みなさんいかがお過ごしでしょうか。
この記事を読まれている方の中には、以前の様に良い(自分らしい)写真が取れなくなってしまった、スランプに陥ってしまった!! という方もいらっしゃると思います。
でも本当に写真にスランプなんてあるのでしょうか? 僕はこの場合、スランプと言うのではなく、”自分の写真の変化時期” と呼んでいます。確かに写真について考える事が少なくなった分、自分の目的表現欲求(目的表現欲求についてはFRAME TOKYO TAKESHIさんの記事、”ストリートフォトの始め方#5を是非ご覧ください!)が何なのか分からなくなると思いますが、分からなくなったことを良い意味で言い換えれば、自分の固まった考えをほぐし新たな目的表現欲求(自分の写真のテーマ、コンセプト)を作る、或いは元々の目的表現欲求を見直す事ができると言えます。
目次 - 自分の目的表現欲求がわからなくなった時にする事 -
Hello everyone, I am KYOSUKE. I cannot believe that it is already September, and how are you guys doing? I hope you are doing well.
Recently, I have been busy and I can not make enough time to shoot street photos or think about street photography. Therefore, if I look carefully at recent photos, I can recognize that they are different compared with photos that I have taken in the past few months.
I guess some of you have experienced that you cannot shoot good photos or you feel like you are not sure what you want to capture. This is generally called a slump, but I want to doubt whether there is a slump in photography or not. I personally want to say no, and I am calling the term of change of my photo instead of calling a slump. Of course if you can not spend time taking photos and thinking about photography, you are going to get lost in what you want to capture, which means that your desires for expressing purpose. ( your concept or theme of your photo. I recommend you to check out TAKESHi, who is the founder of FRAME TOKYO, s' article, " How to Start Street Photography Part 5")
That feeling basically seems to be negative, however, it is also a chance to recognize your desires for expressing purpose ( your concept or theme of your photo) again or rebuild your new desires for expressing purpose.
For this time, I would like to write tips of how you are able to spend time in a slump for such people who are busy and can not make time to shoot and think about photography.
Contents - Things when you get lost what you want to capture -
・Look Back your Photos
・Recognize what You have Interests Recently or Previously
・Keep Shooting
Look Back at your Photos

見返す作業から始めると良いと思います。最近撮った写真でも良いですし、自分が写真を始めた頃の写真から見返しても良いです。自分が撮った写真を見ることで、” 自分はこんなことに興味があって、だからこの写真を撮りたかったんだ" など、新たな発見が生まれると思いますので、写真と対話して、自分がどうしてそれらの写真を撮りたかったか (目的表現欲求)を改めて考え直し、写真の中の被写体、アングル、構図、カラーかモノクロかなどの要素から、自分の興味を探っていきましょう。
What would you do when you are in a slump, which you are not sure what you want to capture even if you have a passion to take photography? I think many of you have your own solution to get through a slump, but I recommend you look back at your photos you have taken. It is ok to just look back at your recent photos, or photos that you had taken when you had started shooting photography.
You will be able to recognize the strong reasons why you have taken those photos and what you have had interest in when you look back at your photos. In this stage, let's clarify what you have interests now and in the past through your photos. I recommend you to focus on looking at photographical elements, such as angles of view, type of subjects, composition, balance of exposure and calor / black and white photo to find your interests.
Recognize what You have Interests Recently or Previously

自分の写真を見直して、自分のしたかったこと(写真のコード= コンセプトやテーマ)が少しまた分かったあとは、自分の興味について考えて見ましょう。興味という要素は写真だけでなく全てにおいて、何かをする上で一番重要な要素だと思いますので、今まで自分は何に興味があって、今は何に興味が変わったなど考えることで、自分の目的表現欲求(写真のコード= コンセプトやテーマ)を再認識ないし再構築する事ができます。
以前 FRAME TOKYO の TAKESHIさんの記事、”ストリートフォトの始め方#5” でも
目的表現欲求(写真のコード= コンセプトやテーマ)についてや自分の表現したい
よく、” 自分らしい写真が撮れない、何を撮って良いのか分からなくなってしまった。
どうしよう..." 、と途方にくれるような体験をされた方いらっしゃると思います。
確かに、今まで自分の写真に対する目的やコンセプトを明確に持ち自分らしい写真が撮れていたのに、撮らない / 写真について考えない期間があった事が理由でいきなり出来なくなっては誰だって戸惑うと思います。でも自分のコードを忘れてしまった事が理由で自分らしい写真が撮れないということは決してダメなことではありません。逆に新しい自分のコードが見つかるかもしれないので、撮れないなと感じた時期は一種のチャンスだと思って大切にしましょう。
After you recognize what you wanted to capture, ( The theme and code of your photo) think more deeply about your interests. Interest is the most important element and trigger to do anything, so if you get an idea of what you have had interests or have interests now, you will be able to clarify what you want to capture, then you will be able to rebuild totally new desires for expressing purpose. ( your concept or theme of your photo)
TAKESHI, who is the founder of FRAME TOKYO have introduced before in his article,
" How to Start Street Photography Part 5," that clarifying your own desires for expressing purpose ( your concept or theme of your photo) is really important to develop your street photography. It is really true and taking photography is said for the reflection of yourself.Therefore let's create your new desires for expressing purpose or clarify more and more through mixing your recent interests and previous interests.
I usually hear that someone is really disappointed by themselves because they are in
" slump " and they can not take photos of what they want. I totally understand this feeling and I think everyone is going to be confused when they are in such a tough situation.
However, I would like to say that it is not totally bad even if you are in a slump and you are not sure what you want to capture. I think this is a good opportunity to look back / rebuild your concept and theme of your photography, so please do not be dissapointed yourself and use this great term to improve your photography.
Keep Shooting

前章では自分の興味について考え、興味から自分の目的表現欲求(写真のコード= コンセプトやテーマ)を再構築し明確化していくと書きましたが、明確化する前(何を撮って良いのか分からない時期)から毎日何かを絶え間なく撮り続けることは非常に重要なことだと思います。撮り続けることで、新たな発見(自分の興味、自分の写真のコード)が見つかると思いますので、毎日1枚でも良いので写真を撮ることをできるだけ継続しましょう。撮る機材は普段使っているカメラでも良いですし、カメラの持ち運びが大変な場合は携帯でも構いません。朝の通勤やお昼休憩時、会社からの帰宅路で何かを切り取ってみましょう。
僕も毎日、自身のInstagramのアカウント@kyonosuke.h.5260 にて毎日2枚の写真を投稿するとマインドセットしているので、最低2枚は日々撮らなくてはいけません。このように、
" 毎日2枚の写真を投稿したい! → 毎日最低2枚は自分の気に入った写真を撮るぞ ! " とマインドセットする事で嫌でも写真を撮ることになり、結果新しい興味や撮りたいものが見つかることに繋がります。
難しく考えずに、毎日最低1 枚は撮るように心がけましょう。撮るのも難しい場合は、ただ街を歩くだけでも構いません。街を歩いて新しい興味を見つけるだけでも次のステップへ大きく繋がるはずです。
In the previous chapter, I wrote about thinking about your own interests and rebuilding and clarifying your desires for expressing purpose (photo code = concept or theme) from the interests are important, but even before clarifying, it's very important to keep taking pictures every day. If you continue to take photos everyday, you will discover new things (your new interest and own code of your desire.)
You can just keep shooting one photo every day and it is very important to continue taking photos much as possible. You can use the camera you usually use, or if you have trouble carrying the camera, you can just take photos with your phone.
I recommend you to capture something on your way home from work during your commute or lunch break.
I also have a specific mindset to post two photos everyday on my Instagram account,
@kyonosuke.h.5260 so I must shoot at least two photos everyday. This mindset helps me to keep shooting photos everyday and make me find new interests through shooting street photography everyday. I love the word, " Persistence pays off," and keeping an effort everyday is really important to improve. Therefore, Let's make just one favorite photo everyday. If you feel that it is difficult to take photos, it is totally fine to just walk around the city. the experience of finding new interests will connects to your next step.
Also, it is going to contradict what I have just mentioned before, but if you feel like you are so bored to take photos and you are not in a good mood for shooting now, it is good to take a break to bring your camera, and just forget to take photos. If you really like photography, you will start shooting again soon, so it is totally fine to quit shooting.

最後まで読んで頂きありがとうございました、引き続きFRAME TOKYO をよろしくお願いします!!
For this time, I wrote about some tips for when you are in slump, ( term of when you are not sure what you want to capture ) and I can say that everyone is going to experience such a situation if you are busy and you cannot make enough time to shoot photos and think about street photography. Even me, I have a lot of experience that I have been stacked how I could improve my expression skills and my photography.
But I always feel that this is a good chance to recognize my concept of photo and rebuild my desires for expressing purpose ( your concept or theme of your photo) through lokking back at my photos and the mindset to shoot everyday.
when you feel like you are in kind of " slump," let's think positively and observe what you have taken photos, then improve your code of photography. You will definitely be able to get through from tough situation.
Thank you so much for reading this article, and I hope see you soon!