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Writer: Takeshi IshikawaTakeshi Ishikawa

How to Start Street Photography Part 5






Hello everyone, I am TAKESHI. This is going to be the last article about how to start street photography series. The last article's main theme is, " expression."  This is really important thing for street photography, and I am going to write longer than other articles. I hope it will help you to take street photography. Now, let's start! 

First of all, I would like to ask very simple question.

For what reason do you take street photography? 

Some of you might say it is because my part of hobbies or just for fun. I think it is totally good if you have those reason. Differently for those reason, some of you might say it is because you want to express your sense or feeling or create own work. I think this article especially will help readers who have those reasons. The question what I asked you is very simple, however supper important. Therefore, you need to ask this question almost every time when you feel you get lost your purpose of taking street photography. 

Your goal or purpose will be your motivation, so the answer of that question is going to be the keypoint for you. If your reason is hobby or having fun, it is going to be important to just have fun. You do not need to think about difficult things like technical or academic things. Just have fun to walk around the city and shoot street photography ! If your reason is to express and make your work, I think you are people who enjoy street photography but have a high level of ambition like you want to shoot  as similar as famous photographer or develop more and more your sense and photo skills.

 I think those of you are looking for the knowledge or specific technique of how you can visualize your idea and sense of ideal street photography.  I am personally calling, "Desires for expressing purpose." This desire will be various things and totally depend on photographers. The significant thing is to clarify your desires for expressing purpose because if you do that, you will be able to continue shooting street photography with clear purpose . 

Now I am mainly going to write about desire of expression for purpose for people who have that desire.


What is Your Desires for expressing purpose?


If you notice that you have a desires for expressing purpose, it is good to ask yourself the question, " What is my desires for expressing purpose?" You will find new things when  your look back your recent / old photos you have taken, know more about what is your favorite things and hobbies and imagine your ideal expression or image. 

Now I would like you to think that the desires for expressing purpose may not just one thing in your mind. I have three desires of expression for purpose. (below)

1 : By expressing the huge city of Tokyo, I want to share how people are  living in Tokyo objectively and impressively

2 : I want to shoot the surprises that occur in everyday life and convey how finding hidden surprises in everyday life is fun 

3 :  I want to tell impressively how there are so many different life which is called stories in chaotic crowd in Tokyo.  

I am always use different ways for these three different desires. Let me explain with my example. I would like you to refer to how you are changing the shooting method depending on the "Desires for expressing purpose".


Do not Use Program Mode





Only use manual mode. The reason is that you can use it flexibly and the manual mode allows you to control the exposure yourself. What does it mean to be able to use it flexibly? I do not usually take photos with the above three "desires for  expressing purpose" depending on the day. I shoot differently in each scene I met during the day.

For instance,

A.  If you come across an impressive scene where light and shadow emerge in the gap between buildings,

As “ Desires for expressing purpose 1”, change, " prioritize aperture mode"  and prioritize to create highlight by controlling exposure and shutter speed.


「えっ?」って思うようなシーンに出会ったときは、「目的表現欲求2」として、パンフォーカス(Deep focus)の適正露出で撮影します。

B. When you come across a surprising sense, as “ Desires for expressing purpose 2”, use deep focus and shoot with proper exposure.



C. When you come across a scene that makes you feel drama and see interesting / memorable facial expression, as “ Desires for expressing purpose 3”, blur background and shoot with proper exposure that is adjusted by shutter speed.


最初に絞ってパンフォーカス(Deep focus)かつ十分なシャッタースピードを確保した設定にしておけば、「Aの場合はシャッタースピードだけ調整して撮影。」「Bの場合はそのまま撮影。」「Cの場合は、絞りとシャッタースピードを調整するか、そのままで撮影。」と言ったように最初の設定から微調整調整するだけで全てに対応できるのです。


In this way, the manual mode can be used in various situations.

If you set the focus and the focus is deep focus and the shutter speed is sufficient, you can adjust the shutter speed in case of A and shoot. In case of B, shoot as it is. 

As in the case of "C, adjust the aperture and shutter speed, or shoot as it is." You can handle all by just making fine adjustments from the first setting.

In the case of the program mode, you can change the mode one by one, or you can't get the proper exposure for yourself, but the exposure of the mode decided by the manufacturer, which is not quite what you want. The program mode that allows you to take beautiful pictures is that everyone gets the same picture. If you want to express it as your own work, I recommend to use manual mode.


Manual exposure Mode Visualizes Your Desires for Expressing Purpose


Exposure is not all about adjusting to the proper exposure. It is for intentionally adjusting the photos to make them more impressive, to create a story and atmosphere, and to guide the viewer's eyes to the desired place. If you were able to take the image to some extent at the time of shooting, development will be easy. The exposure is determined by the combination of aperture and shutter speed, but depending on which one is used as the reference and you will gain various effects.


For instance,  this photo shows a slower shutter speed and the aperture used as a reference to determine the exposure. I expressed the slow time that I feel long while waiting for a friend in contrast to the speed of the surroundings that move rapidly. 

By doing so, you can add a feeling of being awaiting people to the subject, and make the photo more story-like.



This photo is taken with the shutter speed at the limit that can capture  people getting off the escalator, and the aperture was stopped down as much as possible. People are also firmly stopped, and the details of the hat are emphasized. The wide negative space above lowers the eyes of viewers, so by adding detail to the figure, the figure has a small presence.










If your purpose of taking street photographer changed "having fun" to  " expression," I recommend to think about a process in below. 

1. Clarify your desires for expressing purpose

2. Understand and obtain knowledge of manual mode ( Be aware that the camera does not decide and shoot, but decides and shoots by your feeling and sense.) 

3.Manual exposure is a production. That is why I devise exposure as my own expression.

Each person has different shooting methods. There is no right answer. Therefore, I believe the device for shooting produce a uniqueness of photographer on the photo. Manual mode helps you to visualize your special character and sensibilities.   

Selecting subjects and considering composition is also important, but let's express your desires for expressing purpose and sense with manual mode. And We always look forward your  interesting work. So I hope you will post your work by using tag, #frametokyocollective

Thank you so much for you reading and I hope see you soon. 




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