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ストリートスナップ基礎 -街中へ出たときにすること編-

Writer: Kyosuke Hamao Kyosuke Hamao

Basic Street Photography Knowledge of How to act in the city while shooting 

みなさんこんにちは。FRAME TOKYO のKyosukeです。毎日暑い日々が続きますが、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。暑いと身体がバテバテで身体を動かそうと思っても中々動きませんよね。僕は最近、少しでもお腹が空いたら何か栄養のある物を食べるという癖を付けました。というのも、僕は小さい頃から痩せ型で胃が小さいので、多く食べるのが苦手なのです。


最近のカバンの中身は PC、充電器、手帳、筆箱、本、水筒、自家製弁当、バナナ、




さて前置きはここまでにして、前回書かせて頂いた、"ストリートスナップ基礎 - 撮影前の準備編 -"の続きを今回は書いて行こうと思います。今回はスナップに出かける前に準備を万全にし、いざ街に出た時に僕が普段心がけていることをシェアできたらと思います。

前回の記事、"ストリートスナップ基礎 - 撮影前の準備編 -"を読まれていない方は先にそちらを読んでいただければ嬉しいです。何事にも準備は大事ですので。







Hello everyone, I am Kyosuke. How are you doing? Recently It's getting so hot outside and  I hope everyone is doing well. I personally started to have a new daily routine to get some healthy food when I get hungry every time.  Because I have been slim since I was a kid , and I do not eat too much usually so I am easy to being tired and lose concentration. 

So I recently try to put healthy food, such as apples and bananas as many as possible in my bag, and eat them when I get tired or hungry. Fortunately, I am doing very well recently and I feel my healthy condition is really good, especially I can keep my concentration very long time because of that. Being healthy is important to everything! 

Now I am going to write about the next article of, "Basic Street Photography Knowledge of 

How to Prepare Before You Go Outside." This time I am going to share how and what

I usually pay attention while shooting in the city.  If you have not read the previous article, "Basic Street Photography Knowledge of How to Prepare Before You Go Outside," I hope you also check it out because previous one is mainly about how to prepare before going to shoot street photography, and I strongly believe that preparation is the most important for everything.


・Shoot Simply Whatever You Feel Interesting or are Moved

・Mark Your Favorite Shooting Spots and Take Notes about Shooting Condition and Diteil 

・Use Fishing and Hunting skills equally   

・Take a Break in the Cafe when You Get Lost What You Want to Capture  



Shoot Simply Whatever You Feel Interesting or

are Moved





例えば極端に言えば出かける前に、" 今日は光と影が美しいドラマティックなシーンを撮ろう!" と先に決めてしまうと、そのシーンのみ追いかけることに焦点が行ってしまい他の瞬間を見逃してしまうことになりかます。見逃した瞬間の中にはあなたが本当に撮りたいものがあるかもしれません。


When you are in the city with your camera, you may be so excited what kind of moments I will be able to come across or how impressive photo I will be able to shoot, but I recommend to calm down and just rely on your special sensibilities and 5 senses with empty your mind.  

Of course some of you have a style that you decide concept of theme like, " today, I am going to capture crowd of people in the city, " before going to the city, and it is totally good. However, 

I personally always try to empty my mind before going to shoot street photography and just purely enjoy the moment when I am shooting in the city. 

Also I am always think that my body and senses are strongly connected and work as a sensitive sensor. Therefore, I always rely on just my sensor during shooting. 

If I do that, I always shoot very quickly when I am moved, and I can shoot any kind of street photography because I do not think too much about  particular concept or theme while shooting. 

For instance, let's say I am going to decide, " Today I am going to shoot very impressive moment that is created with beautiful light and shadow," before going outside. If you think like that, I am going to only focus on capturing moments with light and shadow and I might going to lose what I really want to capture. So I strongly recommend you to keep concepts and themes of your street photography in your mind, and just shoot when you are moved. You will be able to find new things if you try that! 



Mark Your Favorite Shooting Spots and Take Notes about Shooting Condition and detail






When you walk around the city, you are going to come around various shooting spots. 

I recommend you to mark on your map when you find favorite places, such as an area where beautiful light and shadow appear in fixed time everyday, an area where crowd of people cross rapidly...etc. Also it is important to take a note of how you felt the place and any other details, such as weather, atmosphere, exposure, shutter speed and aperture of your camera after you shoo. Your notes will strongly helps you to take much impressive photos next time. 

It is said that photographers who didn't have a digital camera yet and used film cameras took each one in their notebook and took the details of the shooting (weather, city atmosphere, shutter speed, aperture value, exposure film...etc.) 

 It seems that they tried to write their feeling and details  down in their notebooks so that they would not forget them.

Now the camera is much improved and  most digital cameras decide automatically the shutter speed, aperture value, etc., and the camera remembers such information even after shooting, it is very convenient, but cameras do not remember the atmosphere of the city and the weather. It may be good for future photos if you make a note on your mobile phone about the basic situation when you snap it and the feeling at the moment you snap your photos.


Use Fishing and Hunting Skills Equally

ストリートスナップをされている方は既にご存知の方多いと思いますが、スナップスタイルにはフィッシングとハンティングという、大きく分けて2種類の違ったスタイルが存在します。これについてはFrame Tokyo メンバーのTakeshi さんの記事、”ストリートフォトの始め方 #3” に詳しく紹介してありますのでこちらもぜひご参照下さい! 


If you are street photographer, you may have heard that there are mainly two different kind of shooting styles, which are called, Fishing and Hunting. I hope you will be able to check out Takeshi's previous article, " How to Start Street Photography Part 5," because the article provides you what is fishing and hunting very clearly and also give you so helpful information about those styles. 

Let me sImply describe what is fishing and hunting. Fishing is a style in which when you find the place you want to shoot or you feel interesting atmosphere, you just wait until the subject you want to shoot enters the frame at that place. It is really like fishing. Hunting is the opposite style of fishing, just like walking around the city, and quickly snapping what you want and continuing to walk. It  is like a hunter that keeps chasing prey.


Photos what I have taken using Fishing method. I have waited around 10 minute .


Photos what I have taken using Hunting method. It is really interesting how I can come around interesting moments while walking around the city.









If you want to do fishing, you need strong patience because you never know how much you need to wait to capture your idal moment. Sometimes you could get good photo within a short time, but it would also happen oppositely.  If you cannot shoot anything you want to capture even if you wait like an hour, I recommend you to shift fishing to hunting and shoot what you feel interesting while walking around, then go back to fishing spot. 

My routine is below. 

 ① Find fishing spots while hunting→ ② Do fishing and wait around  10 minute. If I can not shoot anything I want,  → ③ Shift fishing to hunting → ④ Find new fishing spot while hunting, remember, then go back to the previous fishing spot. 

If you repeat ① to ④, you will be able to find many different fishing spots and what if you cannot get any good photos while fishing, you can shift to hunting or visit other fishing points you have found and you are able to spend time. I personally think this is really efficient and good snap method that you can get nice photos with high probability. 

Also if you spend time for just one method which is fishing or hunting, you probably will get tired and lose your concentration. For such a reason, it is good to use both fishing and hunting because when you get tired, you simply shift to fishing and can take a break and refresh while waiting for your ideal moment. If you get bored to wait, you can shift to hunting and seek exciting moment. I think this is my ideal street snap method for me, and if you have an interest of that, I hope you will try it!


Take a Break in a Cafe when You Get Lost What You Want to Capture










I have provided that the method of using fishing and hunting seems ideal street snap method,  however, there is a difficult point to shoot with this method. 

The issue is if you shoot with fishing and hunting, you need physical strength, patience, concentration and strong ambition for your photo at some degree. When you shooting using fishing and hunting in the city for a long time, you will get exhausted physically and mentally.  Even me, if I continue shooting with using both fishing and hunting for 6 hours, I always get so tired. 

If you encounter with such a situation, I recommend you to get some drinks and refresh. It is good to just enjoy your drinks or food you have ordered, but if you think it is kind of waste of time to just refresh, I recommend you to  look back your photos you have taken or observe surroundings and try to find interesting moments and happenings. 

When I usually go to cafe to take a break, I cannot just enjoy coffee because I always think my work. Therefore, I always enjoy my coffee but analyze what I have taken and ask myself like why I wanted to capture and how I can improve. It seems very stoic and street photography looks like playing sports. But anyway I recommend you to go back your home if you are tired and cannot continue shooting, and if you want to continue shooting even though you are tired, just  reflash with some drinks. You will be able to find new things after the break!



前回の記事、"ストリートスナップ基礎 - 撮影前の準備編 -" では基本的な準備(主に健康体を継続すること)を書かせていただきましたが、今回は実践編としてストリートスナップをする際街でどのようなことを気にしたら良いか、ということを僕なりにまとめさせていただきました。何度も言いますが、各々違った準備の仕方や心構え、スナップスタイルがありますので、正しい答えは一つもありません。ただのヒント として受け取っていただければ嬉しいですし、少しでもストリートスナップをされている方の手助けになれれば幸いです。





# FRAMETOKYOCOLLECTIVE を使い、みなさんで素敵な瞬間をシェアしましょう!



I have shared ideas of how to prepare for shooting street photography on the previous

article, "Basic Street Photography Knowledge of How to Prepare Before You Go Outside," 

and this time I wanted to provide how I usually shoot and care about the way I shoot street photography in the city. Again there is no right answer of what is good method to shoot street photography or not. Everyone has a special and original methods and I think that is why street photography is so interesting! I hope you will get my words as a just tip and this article will help you for your street snap. 

Lastly, I would like to say that for preparing before going outside,  it is very important to keep a healthy life, such as having good breakfast, lunch and dinner in proper time, taking enough sleep time,  avoiding accumulate too much stress and doing a simple exercise everyday. 

After going outside with your camera, I recommend you to just enjoy the moment you are seeking something you want to shoot first, then get into shooting. If you get tired, do not force yourself to continue shooting, and it is good to go back your home or take a break. 

Let's enjoy shooting and keep shooting everyday! And all FRAME TOKYO members hope you share your work using #FRAMETOKYOCOLLECTIVE to be featured in Instagram! I am so excited to see your work soon ! 

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope we will see soon!




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