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ストリートスナップ基礎 - 撮影前の準備編 -

Writer: Kyosuke Hamao Kyosuke Hamao

Basic Street Photography Knowledge of How to Prepare Before You Go Outside

みなさんこんにちは。FRAME TOKYO のKyosukeです。時間というのはあっという間で季節はすでに暑い夏になり、アイスやカキ氷が美味しい季節になりましたね。





Hello readers. I am Kyosuke, and thank you so much for finding this article! 

I cannot believe that it is already July, which is very hot summer season that we can enjoy eating ice cream outside. How are you doing? I hope you all are doing well! 

As for me, I have been working well and continuing shooting with my camera while sweating under the strong sunlight to seek good light and shadow conditions. It is funny because I am like a boy who is hardly finding interesting insect or treasure in the park.

But having something I can get into passionately is really important to my life, even I am an adult. 

Now I am going to share this article's topic, which is, " Basic Street Photography Knowledge of How to Prepare Before You Go Outside."  Of course there is no answer for that and I assume that each photographers have own methods. Therefore, I do not want you to just mimic my method and want you to just get it and put it in your mind. 

However, I hope this article will help you to prepare for shooting. 

Also it is going to be very long article, so I am going to write about this topic as a series of articles in the future.


Preparation Before Go Outside







I think there are so many things you need to prepare for shooting the day before your shooting date or just before going outside. I organized what I am usually conscious of preparing for shooting below. 

・Keep being healthy and exercising 

・Check out News everyday 

・Check out weather forecast 

・Charging camera / phone batteries enough 

・To clear your mind


Keep being healthy and Having exercising
















Someone might say it is too general for our daily life, but your health / mental conditions impact your shooting, so I strongly recommend to make a best condition before you go outside to shooting. Why health / mental conditions impact your shooting? Because if you get sick or you are not good feeling, you are not going to be able to shoot in long time and focus on capturing moments. If you have negative feeling or bad health condition while shooting, you probably are going to give up shooting soon and lose what you really want to capture. 

Also your health / mental condition impact your photography because photo what you take is yourself. It is interesting and when you see your photo, you will see your potential feeling, thought, hope and desire. Photography and yourself is strongly connected, therefore it is very important to keep good health / mental conditions. 

Also bad health / mental condition will narrow your holyzon and you will not be able to sense interesting moments and things. Therefore if you feel you have a bad mood or sick, I recommend to rest yourself. If you really want to shoot even though you have a bad mood or bad health condition, you could shoot, but I recommend to clear your mind before going outside, or use your stress for shooting. Even I usually use stress and concerns for shooting to explode them. 

Anyway, the basics is to keep  health daily life, such as having good breakfast, lunch and dinner at constant time everyday, taking enough sleep and avoid getting too much foods, working too hard and keeping stress. 

Also I recommend to try very simple exercise and sports as a daily habit everyday. 

Many of you may know that shooting street photography is like a repetition of walking, shooting and waiting a lot. Therefore, it is good to have a easy exercises, such as jogging, doing push-ups, sit-ups and squat in your house. I also do push-ups, sit-ups and squat 20 times × 5 sets each everyday, and because of that, I can always shoot street snaps for a long time with a good concentration. It is like killing two birds with one stone because you will be able to being healthier, cool and beautiful and get a good shooting performance.

It is my perspective, and I feel street photography is like a sports. It is because photographer's health/ mental conditions effect and impact performance, and photographers need to have a strong patience and guts for shooting. 

When I was a kid, I was really into playing baseball and tennis, and I was always trying to keep being healthy and having a good condition. I think the reason why I feel street photography is like a sports comes from my experience, but obviously important to be healthy for whatever you do, especially if you are street photographer.  Therefore, let's keep being healthy!


Check Out News







Watching news is really helpful to know how the city is moving politically and economically, and it is strongly connected with shooting actually. For instance, you will see what incidents or events are happening now through news, and if you know them, you will be able to make a decision quickly while shooting in the city. When there are some seasonal events or festivals, it is really good opportunity to capture important moments that you only capture in that time and season. Therefore, I think you should just check out news before going outside with camera. 

I am living in New York now, and this city is really interesting because even I always check out news as much as possible, many unexpected events will always happen in front of me. 

For instance, aggressive protest parties suddenly appear and scream something strongly, and attractive street performers suddenly gathered in front of the big strain station and perform their dance and music...etc. 

Therefore,  I always try to check out news and understand the atmosphere of the city and places where I am going to shoot before going outside.


Check Out Weather Forecast




I also recommend checking out weather forecast while watching news because your photos are going to be totally different if the weather is going to be sunny, cloudy, rainy or storm. Also if it is rainy season and you can predict that sudden rainstorm will happen sometime in a day, you should remember when or what time the sudden rainstorm will happen through weather forecast. Because if you know it, you will be able to decide continuing shooting in your favorite shooting spot while the rain storm or taking a break to shoot until the rain will stop.

It is a good chance to capture unexpected moments while the sudden rainstorm, therefore, if you are going to continue shooting while the storm, you do not forget to prepare enough to shoot in the rain. Because if your camera will break and you can not shoot anymore, it is going to be a really big deal.Therefore, do not push yourself hard, and care your camera.


Charging camera / phone batteries enough




Have you charged your batteries for your camera and phone enough?  If not, I strongly recommend to charge batteries with full before going outside! Because you cannot know how long you will shoot in the city and if you shoot in the place where you have never visited, you will use your map on your phone a lot and so much batteries. 

Because of that, if your camera and phone are died and you cannot shoot anymore, it is going to be really sad and you will just have to go back your home. Therefore, you need to charge batteries enough before shooting to avoid those situations, and if you have sub camera, it also nice to carry around it with main camera.


To clear your mind




Now when you are finally going to go outside to shoot, you probably will think and hope a lot of how you will be able to capture great moment and encounter great photo opportunities in the city. If you see some famous / your favorite photographers works before shooting, you will also expect that you will capture similar moments like those photographers. 

I totally understand such a feeling, however, I totally recommend to clear and empty your mind before shooting because if you do that, you will be able to shoot with your potential intuition, sensibilities and five senses naturally.  Of course it is obviously important to have your concept / theme of your street photography and ask yourself of what is your special character and why you take photography.  However, you should forget thinking those things while shooting, and I recommend to rely on your potential skills and sensibilities with clear mind. 

It seems to be very difficult to shoot with empty mind, but if you practice many times, you will obtain the way of how to empty your mind while shooting. Anyway, clear your mind before shooting to  use your potential intuition, sensibilities and five senses naturally.





This time I have shared how to prepare for shooting before going outside. Some of you may feel that things what I have written on this article are very general and easy tasks, but if you want to shoot well, you should care about those basic things every time. 

Especially keeping good health / mental condition is significant for street photography. 

Some photographers may use for instance stress, anxiety and bad health condition for their photography as their theme or concept of their photos. However, basics is  to keep healthy daily life, such as having good breakfast, lunch and dinner at constant time everyday, taking enough sleep and avoid getting too much foods, working too hard and keeping stress.

It will help your performance of shooting in the street, and let's being healthy everyday! 

I look forward to seeing all of you in the my next article, and see you soon! 




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