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ないから作ったFRAME BAG

Writer: Takeshi IshikawaTakeshi Ishikawa



I think nimbleness is the most important thing for street photography. Therefore, I wanted to design a perfect bag for street photography.


If I Want, Just Make It



My feeling was exactly like that. Just make my perfect bag if there is no bag I am conquering. I would like to ask you, and do you usually carry around some bags while shooting outside? My answer is no, and I do not usually carry around bags when I go outside to shoot. I always put every stuff in my pockets and carry my camera with my hand. It is because I usually walk around for a log time and shoot with different postures, like crouching or stretching. Therefore, if I carry a bag while shooting, I feel like I cannot use my body flexibly, and I also feel it is little stressful. Then I quit carrying around my bag when I shoot photos outside.

However, I used to carry a 5 L size of sling bag made with Peak Design in summer term when I did not have enough pockets. I really loved it because it was very light and slim. Nevertheless, because I began to use electrical money and did not need to carry my wallet, I wanted to get more compact bag. I was really looking for a bag like I can put only things I need to carry into the bag. I found that my ideal bag is very close with hip bags. But I could not find a bag that motivate shooting photos. I really wanted to get a bag like I always want to carry while shooting. Finally, I got tired to find bags, and I decided to design the bag by myself.


Appearance is Important


It is very simple, but I mostly focused on how the bag's appearance would make users motivate shooting photos, and I tried to design the bag casually like street style. Also I designed a logo on the bag which is my favorite part. If you carefully see the logo, a word, " CAPTURE THE MOMENT," is out of a frame, and it represents casual / street style. I think it is pretty interesting.


Stimulate Motivation for Shooting

"Capture the moment" ストリートフォトグラファーにとっては、定番のフレーズですね。このフレーズをロゴに組み込んで、大きくレイアウトしています。撮影に出かける際、このカバンのフレーズが目に入ると、「いい写真を撮るぞ!」と気合が入ります。

The phrase, " Capture the moment," is well used word for street photographers. I put the word into FRAME TOKYO's logo, and I love it because when I see it while shooting, I get an energy like I am going to capture great moments.


Keep Your Concentration

気合を入れ街に飛び出しても、いい写真が撮れるとは限りません。こればかりはいい瞬間との出会いなので。たくさん歩いたり、長時間待ち続けたりして疲労も蓄積してきます。そんな時、カフェに行ってコーヒーブレイクをとります。そしてそのまま長々と時間を潰してしまうこともあります。そんな時、カバンを開ける際に第2の定番フレーズ”OPEN YOUR EYES"が目に飛び込んできます。撮れない時はだんだん注意力が落ち、いろんなものを見逃しがちになります。そんな時にこの第2のフレーズが、それを指摘してくれます。

It is general that we all cannot always take a good photo even if we have a strong energy to capture moments. Because street photography is encounter with moments. when I walk a lot to seek great moments, I always get tired and take a break to grab some coffee in a cafe. After that, I sometimes spend lots of time to just walking a round the city and cannot get any good photos.

For those moments, a second word, " OPEN YOUE EYES," written on the tope of the bag world keep your concentration and motivate your shooting. It usually happens that photographer loose their concentration to capture interesting moments if they get tired. The word, " OPEN YOUE EYES," will definitely help you while shooting.


NO Need to Put a lot of Things


  • 予備のバッテリー

  • 充電用のモバイルバッテリー

  • イヤフォン

  • カードケース

  • サブカメラ


これだけが無駄なく入るサイズのバッグが理想でした。FRAME HIP BAGは、以上のものが全て入り、余分な空きスペースがなくその分コンパクトです。

I thought that the size of the bag was good as small as possible because it was enough to put only things I need to carry for shooting, and things I really want to carry while shooting are below's items.

. Sub battery for my cameras

. Mobile battery for charging my phon

. Earbuds

. Card case

. Sub camera

My ideal size of bag was the size that only those items are able to be stored perfectly. FRAME HIP BAG is able to store those items neatly and exactly.


Never be Stressful while Shooting

一番良いのはバッグを持たない事。なので、持っても限りなくその状態に近いバッグが理想的です。ですので、ストラップの長さも重要です。FRAME HIP BAGは、S/MとM/Lの2サイズあります。違いはストラップの長さです。S/Mは女性にちょうど良い長さで、M/Lは男性にちょうど良い長さです。ストラップは調整可能で、バッグが体にフィットします。動いても屈んでも撮影の邪魔になりません。

I think the best thing is that I do not carry any bags. Therefore, I wanted to make a bag that I do not feel I am carrying a bag, and I thought that the length of strap was also important. FRAME HIP BAG has two different sizes, such as S/M and M/L. A different point is only length of strap. S/M size may be good for women, and M/L size may be perfect for men. Length of strap is adjustable and the bag is designed to fit your body. therefore, you would not be stressful while shooting.


Perfect Bag for Street Snap is now Ready to Get



Finally I could create my ideal bag for street snap. The bag's appearance , size and slim fit design are perfect for shooting. I always use the bag while shooting, and I love it because the bag is really light and I always can take out items in the bag smoothly. Therefore, I never feel be stressful even thought technically I carry a bag while shooting. I think the bag is really good for any street photographers, especially photographers who do not like to carry around bags but need to carry some items. You can check information of FRAME HIP BAG for the link below.


I hope you will be able to check it out and get the bag!

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope see you soon.



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