みなさんこんにちは、FRAME TOYO のKYOSUKE です。
最近気づきましたが、FRAME TOKYO のウェブサイトにログインすると、コメントが書けるみたいなので、よろしければ是非なんでもお書きください!!
先月、僕のインスタグラム、https://www.instagram.com/kyonosuke.h.5260/ にて今回の
以前の僕の記事でもいくつかこのような内容を書かせていただきましたが改めて、いわゆる光と陰の使い方だったり、構図の作り方のような"撮影テクニック" をお教えするよりも、
さて記事の主題で書かせて頂いた英単語、"Coincidence" とは、二つ以上のことなったものが偶然にも一致するという意味で用いられる言葉です。今回の記事ではこの、偶然の一致=Coincidenceをキーワードに、まずはいかに感性や興味を広げられるか、そしていかに広げた興味を結び付けられるか(coinciedntするか)を個人的な見解でお話していこうと思います。
Hello everyone, I am KYOSUKE. It has been a while since I had written the last article, and I am so sorry that I cannot write articles frequently.
It is already April, and how are you doing? I have heard that in April, people in Japan are able to see beautiful Cherry blossoms, and I miss that because I love Cherry blossoms! I can see Cherry blossoms in New York, but I love Japanese Cherry blossoms.
BTW, I have just noticed that there is a space where you can leave some comments on each article, so I hope you can write down anything you felt!
Now I am going to write about a topic of this article. Actually, I had asked viewers of my Instagram count about this article's theme last month using Instagram Story. Fortunately, I had gotten so many comments and ideas, and I have to appreciate a lot. Thank you so much to all of you who gave me impressive ideas!!
It is so difficult to pick some of them because all of them are so nice, but I chose two impressive topics to write this article, and I am going to write this article with a convention of two topics I picked up. A main theme is, " How to improve / expand sensibility and connect interests." I remember I have written this kind of articles before, but I strongly believe that improving own sensibility and expanding own horizon are the best, easiest and quickest ways to improve own photography. Therefore, I am going to write this article anyway.
The world, " coincidence," that I used as this article's subject has a meaning like more than two random things correspond at someways accidentally. I am going to use this word as a key element of this article and write about how we can improve own sensibility and expand interests to make own photography more stronger with my personal ways I usually do.
感性を広げる編 1 / 子供のように興味を持つこと
How to Improve Sensibility 01/ Having a Strong Passion and Curiosity Like Children

デザインなどのクリエイティブな仕事やその他のビジネスにも当てはまりますが、写真においては正にこの” 純粋に、素朴に興味を持ち問うこと” が重要なのかなと思います。
そうしていくうちに自分の中の容器に溜まった好きなもの、興味を持ったものがどんどん増え、小さな苗が大きな木に育つようにどんどん自分のポケットが広がっていきます。何事もまずは” 純粋に、素朴に,そして素直に興味を持ち問うこと” で、自分の感性を広げたり磨く事に繋がるのかもしれません。
First of all, it is pretty difficult to think how we can improve sensibility or creativity. I guess everyone has a different approach, so I would like you to find own way, but things I could give some advices to you is to have a strong passion and curiosity like child every moment. For instance, it is easy that if you imagine children like pre school student. They are really pure because they do not have so much knowledge and experience compared with adults. Therefore, they are always curious about anything, and they ask themselves like, " why all of bananas are yellow and why water is transparent? "
I think I could say that they are much more keen to everything than adults, and it is awesome if we can do same thing with children. Also I can say that purely being curious and ask myself is significant for people who work as creators, such as photographer, designer, art director, artist...etc. And I always believe that this habit helps improving own sensibility and make photography more stronger.
When I go outside with my camera, I always try to think nothing and make some empty vessels in my mind to put interests I found into vessels. If I do that, I can be easily keen to anything and find interesting subject and moments because I do not need to think about any difficult things like composition, balance of light and shadow and sophistication of outcome. Therefore, I can quickly and purely press a shutter when I feel something is interesting.
If I am in like that condition, I can expand my horizon more widely and feel things more interestingly because I can see things with different point of views and mind that I do not usually use. As a result, I unconsciously start asking "Why 00 is 00?" and pursue deeply what interests me. Then lots of found interests fill up empty vessels I have made in my mind, and they strengthen my sensibility stronger. I personally think that purely having interests of anything you see in your eyes and asking yourself like child are keys to improve own sensibility.
感性を広げる編 2 / リミットを決めない
How to Improve Sensibility 02/ Do not Make a Limitation

このことから、とにかく躊躇せずにとにかく新しいことを経験するよう試みてみると、自分の中にあるパレットのスペースがどんどん増えたり自分の中の世界の境界線が広くなるので、感性のみならず視野を広げる良い方法だと思います。 予定外の誰かからの誘いも、前述したように新しい人と出会うのが億劫だったりして適当な用事を使い断ることもできますが、試しにその舟に乗ってみると案外、新しい人と出会い体験することを通して、新しい価値観を見出せる事もあります。
それが例えば読書だったらば、フィクション・ノンフィクション・自己啓発などジャンルは問わず自分の知らなかった事を文字を通して頭の中で想像し咀嚼することにより、想像力や様々な視点で考える力が身につく。 映画においても然り。ラブコメやアクション、SFなど自分が普段見ないものや苦手なものを観てみると、案外面白かったり自分の中にある何かと共鳴し感動することもある。
ポイントはリミットを定めないことであると思います。 出来ないと思うことであったり、嫌いだと思うものに、では何故出来ないのか、何故嫌いなのかと改めて考え、試しに一歩踏み出してみたり好きになってみたりしてみると、案外面白いものかもしれないと後になって気付く事が多々あります。
Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Of cause I have lost of things I am not good at. For instance, I am kind fo shy person since I was a kid, and even tough I like talking in front of lots of people and talking to people who I meet at the first time, actually I sometimes feel like I am nervous. Therefore, When I got an invitation from a friend to meet someone for the first time, I sometimes hesitate a little whether to go or not.
At such times, even though I can imagine that I may be able to meet people I have never met and make new discoveries that I can improve myself, I am unconsciously thinking about what to do if I cannot speak well. Then I unconsciously make a limitation and miss an opportunity to improve myself.
From that experience, I can say that it is a good way to try anything with no limitation to improve sensibility and expand horizon. Even If you get an unexpected invitation from friends like I have mention in above, it is always good to try with no hesitation so that you will be able to get new experience that you have never imagined and get new perspectives from experiences.
I could say same thing with reading books. If you try to read books you really do not usually read, you can strengthen different imagination skill that you do not usually use, then you will be able to think more widely than before.
A point is to make no limitation and do not decide what is possible or not, and what I like or not.
Just take a firsts step anyway even if you think something you feel difficult or impossible so that you will be able to try more experiences than others and improve your sensibility. If you try something and you fail, that is totally fine because the point is to try anything and experiencing.
It seems very simple and easy to try, and I do not recommend you to try something you really hate, but I recommend you to live with no limitation and hesitation to refine your sensibility.
感性を結びつける編 1/ 視覚化・観察
How to Connect Sensibility and Interests 01/ Visualizing・Observing

Diagram that shows how my interest are connected
まずは上のダイアグラムを見て頂きたいのですが、図をよく見ると僕の興味がどう繋がるかを表しています。例えば"人間性" という興味を見てみると、次に関連する興味の”生き物の日常生活" に繋がり、そこから"感情、喜怒哀楽" だったり" 成長" だったりに繋がる。" デザイン" を見てみると、" 建築" という興味、キーワードから" レイヤー" だったり" 素材" だったり、" 簡素さ" に派生する。
I have written how we could improve / expand sensibility itself and capacity of sensibility.
From now, I am going to start writing how to connect different sensibilities and interests we have developed and found.
First of all, I would like you to look at a diagram made with lots of different colors of circles in above. This diagram shows how my interests are connected each other. For instance, if you look at a word, " Humanity," you can see that it is connected to the word, " Daily Life, " and then some words, such as, " Emotion" and " Growth" derive from the word, " Daily Life."
If you look at a word, " Deign," you can see that words, " Layer" and " Material" are connected to the word, " Design. "
This is a same system with brainstorming, and visualizing your interests by writing them on paper or creating diagrams, you can easily pursue and visualize what you really like and find your hidden sensibility, so I recommend you to do it. I have mentioned before, and I always shoot photos with empty mind and only my sensibility. But if I look at photos that I have taken after go back home, I can always realize and be amazed that all of photos are composed by my connected interests.

例えばこの写真は、花が力強く咲いている様子が気になり咄嗟に撮ったものですが、撮り終えてしばらく経ってからよく見ると、元々持ってた"自然の美しさ、力強さ" という興味に " 建築" (窓のリフレクションによって写った建物)という興味、"形"という興味(花の枝が右往左往に入りくねっている造形美)、それから"レイヤー" (窓のリフレクションによって写った建物+光のリフレクション+窓の奥にある花)という4つの興味が同時に偶然にも重なっていることに気づくことができます。まさにCoincidence (偶然の一致)ですよね。
Fore instance, I quickly took this photo because I simply felt that the flower was so energetic and powerful. When I took this photo, I didi not think noting deeply like how I could take the subject and what was a main concept of the photo..etc. But if I observe this photo later, I can notice that this photo is unconsciously created with my 4 different connected interests, such as the interest A : " Beauty and powerfulness of nature , " and the interest B : " Architecture," and the interest C : " Shapes" and the interest D : " Layers." Those different interests accidentally coincident, and this photo was created by no calculation. I think this is how corrected interests coincident and make photography more powerful and memorable.
l I recommend you to visualize your corrected interests and sensibilities, and observe photos you took to expand more your capacity of interests and sensibility.
最後まで読んで頂きありがとうございました!! また次回もよろしくお願い致します。
This time, I shared some tips of how to improve sensibility and connect interests you have using some ideas what I have gotten from some of you. Photography is a very interesting media because if 100 photographers shoot a same subject, their outcomes will be totally different than others. To say differently, photographer's personal elements, such as sensibility, experience, background,,,etc are significant elements to create unique photography. So I think that refining those personal elements helps to make own photography more powerfully.
BTW, I have watched some Japanese comedy show. In the show, some subjects are given to around 10 professional comedians competing who is the funniest comedian, and they imprecise and show their jokes quickly. The most interesting thing what I have discovered was that each joke was created with totally different colors.
Fore instance, some of them are created with intelligent idea based jokes, and some of them are pretty straightforward...etc. Because each of jokes are so strong, I was not bored to watch entire show and was so impressed with that. I also thought it was similar with photography because jokes / photos are created with comedians / photographers personal elements.
After I watched the show, I realized why I was so impressed with the comedian show, and it was because comedians showed their jokes with full of their energy and their personal elements differently.
It seems it is really important to pursue what you like and are interest to improve own photography, and I hope you will be able to try living with a strong curiosity and no limitation if it is possible. Also I highly recommend you to visualize and observe your interests and sensibility with someways. If you do that, I can guaranty you that you will be able to strengthen your personal elements, improve your sensibility and have a wide horizon.
I will also try to keep doing them to improve myself, and thank you so much for reading!
See you soon.