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Writer: Takeshi IshikawaTakeshi Ishikawa

How to Start Street Photography Part 4  



Hi, I am Takeshi, and this time I am mainly going to write about knowledge of lens and focusing. 


MF Lens is Really Good for Street Photography!



It is sudden, but are you using AF lens (Auto focus lens )  or MF lens 

( Manual focus lens ) ? I think MF lens users would say it is general  what I am going to write , but this time I would like to share many good points of using MF lenses to AF lens users and give interests of MF lenses to readers. 

As I wrote in the headline, MF lens is very useful for shooting street photography. 

Of course you can take photos using AF lens and choose "Manual focus mode," instead of using MF lens, but personally I do not recommend to use it.   

I believe that when you start using MF lens, then you will know how MF lens is good and better than AF lens. The significant point for street photography is that you need to avoid losing greta photo opportunity. 

The moment you would like to capture is going to appear suddenly, and disappear soon from you. You never know the mein subject you would like to shoot is going to appear on the right, center or left side of frame. The subject is going to go away from you when you try to move AF point to the subject.  I have so many experiences that I have been disappointed with getting unsatisfied photos when I have released shutters reflexively. 

Basically it seems that Af lens is useful if you have particular subjects and image what you would like to capture before you soot. However, AF lens is not so useful if you would like to shoot moments what suddenly appear in front of you. Therefore, I think AF lens if not good for street photography, but good for portrait or still life.


The Reason Why MF lens is Good for photography


Now I am going to write about the specific reason why MF lens is good for street photography.


You Do not Need to Rely on AF Performance


If you use MF lens, you need to bring into focus manually. It sounds inconvenient, however   I can say oppositely that it is totally fine because you can snap photos quickly even if your camera has slow AF performance.  Moreover, you do not use AF performance, so you can save camera battery. It is also cost saving because you do not need to get new model cameras which they have high quality AF performance. 

Some of you might have a experience that you have been attracted with information that the newest camera have a great AF performance and very good for shooting. But you do not need to care about such news if you use MF lens. When you use MF lens, you can simply set your focus distance before shooting, therefore you only need to adjust the distance from the camera to the subject to match the set distance.( Zone Focus) 

MF lens is really good at zone focus!


Easy to Use Zone Focus


The main reason why you need to use MF lens is that it is very easy to use zone focus. 

What is zone focus?  Zone focus is a technique of  adjusting focus by the distance between you and the subject.  For instance, if you decide the distance between you and the subject you will shoot is going to be 3 m, you will be able to focus on everything 3m away from the camera.

Therefore, it is very easy to get a good photos by just setting the distance and releasing shutters. Focusing time is 0 seconds! So It is faster than any AF.

However, you need to practice a lot because you have to remember the sense of distance.


Photo that is Taken by Wide MF lens Does not

being Out of Focus

便利なゾーンフォーカスですが、距離感を体で覚えなくてはなりません。しかし、広角レンズならそれをカバーしてくれます。広角レンズの広い被写界深度を利用するのです。レンズには絞りというものがあり、絞りはF値で表記されます。そのF値が小さいと背景がボケ、大きいと背景がくっきりします。F値にはそれぞれ被写界深度(ピントが合っているように見える前後の奥行き範囲)があり、F値が小さいとその範囲が狭く、F値が大きくなるとその範囲が広くなります。よってF値小さくして撮影すると背景がボケ、絞って(F値を大きくして)撮影すると背景がボケにくくなるのです。「写ルンです」とかの使い捨てカメラがピント合わせをしなくてもピントが合っているのは、この原理を使って予め大きいF値に固定しているからなのです。特に広角レンズはこの被写界深度が広いので、あらかじめF値を大きく設定し、そのF値の被写体深度の最遠に無限遠を合わせると、その絞り(F値)の被写界深度の中に被写体を収めれば、シャッターを切るだけでピントが合うのです。例えば、28ミリの単焦点レンズLEICA ELMARITの場合、ピントの位置を3mに設定すると、F8で被写体深度は、1.5mから∞となります。つまり、余程目の前近くに被写体が現れない限り、シャッターを切るだけでピントのあった写真が撮れるのです。とは言ってもピントが一番シャープなのは3mから∞なので、これで撮りながら距離感を覚えましょう。距離感を覚えると素早くピントの微調整もできるようになり、AFより素早く自由にフォーカシングできるようになります。

Zone focus is very useful, but you need to obtain sense of distance by many experiences. However, wide MF lens helps you to solve such a difficult issue using wide lens depth of field. There is a place where you can adjust the size of aperture on the lens, and aperture is written by number plus F. ( For instance, F16, F 11, F 8, F 5.6..etc) If the number of aperture gets lower, the place where the subject is out of focus is going to be blurred. On the other hand, if the number of aperture gets higher, your photo is going to be very clear and detailed. 

The reason why a famous Japanese instant camera which is called, Simple Ace, made by Fujifilm has a great performance to produce clear photo is that the high number of aperture is set already. Especially wide lens has very wide aperture, so the camera focuses well very easily if you set F value to ∞ . For instance, when you use 28mm LEICA ELMARIT Lens and decide that the distance between you and the subject is going to be around 3 m, the aperture of F8 is going to be 1.5m  to ∞. As long as the subject does not appear too close to your eyes, you can take a focused photo by simply releasing the shutter. However, the sharpest point is from 3m to ∞, so let's feel the distance while shooting with this. Once you feel the distance, you can quickly make fine adjustments to the focus, allowing you to focus faster and more freely than with AF.


Apparent Indicator and scale On the Lens


The things what AF lens does not have, but MF lens has is the "index and scale." This is very convenient because you can visually check the aperture, the depth of field, and the distance to the focus peak. With this aperture, it is possible to respond to the sudden moment that comes by knowing in advance how far the focus will be.


Easy to Control the Focus Ring

MFレンズはAFレンズより小型です。そのため円周が短いので、AFレンズよりも少ない回転でピントを合わせられます。それとヘリコイドがAFレンズのようにスカスカして軽くなく、適度に重いので微妙な操作がしやすいです。少ない回転でピントの距離が大きく変わるので、微妙な操作がしやすいのは重要なのです。例えばピント位置を3mから5mへ移動するのにヘリコイドを回す距離は3mmくらいです。先ほど「広角レンズを使って絞りをF8にして最遠を∞に合わせれば、1.5mから∞までピントが合う」と話しましたが、ここには落とし穴があります。被写界深度は、ピントが合っているように見える許容できる範囲であって、全てに完全にピントか合っている訳ではありません。フィルム時代にはそれで十分だったと思います。フィルムを画素に換算すると10Mから20Mピクセルだそうです。確かに僕のLEICA M-Eのセンサーは18Mピクセルくらいなので、被写界深度を使って撮った写真は、手前から奥までシャープにピントが合っているように見えます。しかし、24MピクセルのSONY A7 IIで撮ったのを見るとピント位置から最遠まではシャープですが、手前はピントが甘いのが分かります。なので、メインとなる被写体をピントの位置近辺に置くまたはピントを微調整する必要があるので、そう言った意味で少しの調整でピント位置を調整できるMFレンズは便利なのです。

MF lens is usually smaller than AF lens. Therefore, since the circumference is short, you can focus with less rotation than with an AF lens. Also helicoid is not right like AF lens, so it is easy to use / adjust aperture and the depth of field. 

It is important to be able to perform delicate operations because the focus distance changes greatly with a few rotations. For example, the distance that turn the helicoid to move the focus position from 3m to 5m is about 3mm. I said earlier, "If you use a wide-angle lens and set the aperture to F8 and set the farthest to ∞, you will be in focus from 1.5m to ∞," but there are pitfalls here. Depth of field is an acceptable range that appears to be in focus, not everything in perfect focus.

I think that was enough in the film era. When converting film to pixels, it seems that it is 10 to 20M pixels. Certainly, the sensor of my LEICA M-E is about 18M pixels, so the picture that is taken by using the depth of field seems to be sharply focused from the front to the back. 

However, when I take a picture with a 24M pixel Sony A7 II, it is sharp from the focus position to the farthest point, but I can see that the focus is not good in the foreground. Therefore, it is necessary to place the main subject near the focus position or to finely adjust the focus. In that sense, the MF lens that can adjust the focus position with a little adjustment is convenient.




I feel I shared too specific and technical things to you, but this time I wanted to provide you how MF lens and zone focus are useful for street photography. This combination helps you to take perfect photos. Now I am going to finish up with one more tips.

35mmフルサイズセンサー/28mmレンズ/F8/ピント位置3m の設定の場合です。

ピント位置から無限遠までピントがくるのをパンフォーカス(Deep focus)と言いますが、

その設定になっています。この設定で撮影すれば、被写界深度である1.5mから∞までピントが合っているように見えます。実際には、過焦点距離(Hyperfocal distance)の3mから∞がパンフォーカス(Deep focus)となりピントがシャープになります。これを基本として考えるとシンプルで分かりやすいと思います。このように視覚的にすぐ分かるのも目盛のあるMFレンズを使う利点です。

When your setting is : 35mm full censer / 28mm lens / 3m distance to the subject 


The focus from the focus position to infinity is called pan focus (Deep focus), but if you shoot with this setting, it will appear to be in focus from the depth of field of 1.5 m to ∞. Actually, from 3 m of the hyperfocal distance, ∞ becomes the pan focus (Deep focus) and the focus becomes sharp. I think that it is simple and easy to understand based on this. It is also an advantage to use a MF lens with a scale that it can be visually recognized in this way.


When the Subject is Closer than 3m







It is very simple to use it like this.

It will not be big deal even if you slightly fail to adjust the dial because your photo will be clear if the subject will be in each depth of fields. (1.1m to3m/0.8m to1.5m)I think wide angle lens is very useful!


You will be able to feel how simple to use MF lends when you use it. If you get a sense of distance and adjustment, you will be able to to shoot Intuitively, so let's try using MF lens.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope see you all soon.




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