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Doing Freely whatever You Want

みなさんこんにちは、FRAME TOKYOのKYOSUKEです。変わらずお元気でしょか。


さて今回の記事のテーマはタイトルの通り、"気の向くままに" ということです。



血液型B型のかに座。典型的な首輪のない野良犬の様な自由奔放人で育った僕は、いつも気の向くままに行動してしまうという、全くもって治すことのできない困ったビョウキを小さい頃から持ち合わせており、自分の頭に何かしたいことがあると何も考えずにすぐに動いてしまうのです。昔で言えばいきなり野球選手になりたいと思えば、すぐに表に出て野球を練習しその週には野球チームに入ったり、テニスがかっこいいと思えばグローブを置きテニスを始める。今で言えば溜まった仕事があるにせよ、インスタグラムにあるライバル達の素晴らしく刺激的な写真群を眺めるたび、「いかん、こうしてはおれんゾ,,,」と言うばかりに大切なこと忘れカメラを手に風になって外へ出てしまうのであります。Just go outside anyway なのであります。

Hello everyone. I am KYOSUKE, and how are you guys doing ? It is already November and getting cold, that means you can catch a cold easily. So I hope you will be able to stay healthy and spend lest of time in 2020 with no big issues.

Now, I would like to share that a theme of this article this time is, " Doing freely whatever you want. " First of all, I want to say that this article is going to be very general and not going to be like about useful tips of street photography. I am writing this article because I just felt that I wanted to write down what I felt while reeding my favorite novel. When I was reading the book, I found a very interesting sentence, " I am like a leaf that is freely flying with breeze... " and after I read it, I thought that I am also like that man and also like that while taking photos in the streets. Moreover, I thought that it is going to be a good article, and I should write down my thought. Therefore, I am writing this article even though I was reading my book and have two draft articles that I have not done and post yet.

My blood type is B and I was born on June, that is normally seen as a very free person, I have been having a habit that I always do what I want before planing since I was a kid from now.

For instance, when I was an elementary school student, I suddenly wanted to be a baseball player, and after I decided that I would be a baseball player, I started to practice baseball with my friends and joined a baseball team soon. However, even though I was really into playing baseball, I suddenly thought that playing tennis was so cool, and I quit being baseball player, and dreamed being tennis player... lol

If I think my current life, there are so many things like that. For instance, I have always have a lot of things I need to do, and even though I have not been done my works, I go outside with my small camera to shoot because after I watch many impressive photos that were taken by great rivals on Instagram, I always feel like, " Hey what I am doing, and I should just go outside and take photos. "





Weblio 辞書










I also realized that I am totally same when I am shooting snaps in streets because I usually choose the destination before going outside, but I always forget about the destination and walk around freely with my sensory. While walking around the street, I always see new and interesting things that I have never seen, including people, city, buildings and thing that are on the ground and left from someone. So I just cannot stop taking photos of them, shooting things that I want and going places where I want to go. I guess I can say that what if I go to a photo walk event, I will definitely get lost from groups within 5 minutes. lol

However, I want to strongly say the habit like doing whatever you want is not bad thing even though sometimes it is seemed as a negative personality or habit because you could find and experience totally new things . Especially it is good that you can always relax.

Of course it is really important to work with your friend and coworkers while working. You should respect person who you work with. However, I recommend you to do whatever you want that you feel important in your free time and you are alone.

I would like to recommend that you act as you like. Forget the purpose and consciousness that you usually keep in mind, and move purely around with your own special sensibility.

In street snapshots, it is sometimes very important to forget about the concept, theme, what you want to shoot, and the purpose, and shoot whatever you like While you are in the city. Just shoot what you whatever you want and go wherever you want. By doing so, I believe that you will be able to see usually scenes differently and meet with new moments. I think it's important for everyday life and snapping as well.

Now I felt that I am just encouraging myself like I am ok to do whatever I want when I am alone even if I have many things I need to finish up. I totally understand that I have a bad habit that I always tend to do what I want after I though like I want do right now! That kind of feeling always disturbs my concentration for tasks that I need to do. But I also say that it is good way to get a new perspective and experience new things.

I just realized that I usually take a photos of birds, and I asked myself why I shoot of them a lot.

I thought that it is because I unconsciously think that I want to fly and travel freely like a flying birds in the sky. But actually I am not sure exactly why.

Anyway, I am going to finish writing and restart reading the book again. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope to seeing you soon.


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