Take a look, look deeper, and you will find a lake.
Kai Jiang
A photograph I took during my visit to Kyoto in 2023. I used Ektachrome 100 with a 35mm lens. It was a hot and humid day. This photograph took time around 3pm by the lake. You can hear laughters, kids running around, and people waiting at the coffee shop for their very own cup of iced coffee. I noticed the guard standing in the heat, with a thick-fabric uniform on. Sweats dripping down his face while maintaining absolute emotionless. When I look at this photo, I can almost sense the depiction of the work ethic of Japanese people. I can't say it is a compliment or a critic. It is probably somewhere floating in the middle.
2023年に京都を訪れた際に撮った写真です。Ektachrome 100と35mmレンズを使用しました。暑くて湿気の多い日でした。この写真は午後3時頃に湖の近くで撮影しました。笑い声や子供たちが走り回る音、アイスコーヒーを求めてカフェで待つ人々の姿が聞こえてきます。私は暑さの中で立っている警備員に気づきました。厚い生地の制服を着ていて、顔には汗が滴り落ちていますが、全く感情を表に出していません。この写真を見ると、日本人の労働倫理の描写を感じることができます。それが褒め言葉なのか批判なのかは言い難いです。おそらく、その中間のどこかに漂っているのでしょう。
I am a street/documentary photographer from Toronto, Canada. In my photographs, I hope they can represent a moment of life. Selfishly speaking, a slice of my encounters with the world. The most attractive thing about photography to me is the dance with intuitions. The epiphany that is sent from higher power, a message from my brain tells me " take that shot, it is the right moment you've been looking for." It is like bumping into people that you just talked about. Things like that don't make any sense to me, and it exists outside of our current dimension. I think that is the beauty of photography to me.