Necessity of Instagram

みなさんこんにちは、FRAM TOKYOのKYOSUKEです!みなさんいかがお過ごしょうか。
こちら New York も耳が痛い時期になってきました。本当に寒いのが1-2月なのです。
Hello everyone, I am KYOSUKE. How are you guys doing?
I hope everything is good and you will be able to try new things as many as possible though it is so cold outside!
New York is also getting really cold and my ears always hart when I walk outside. The coldest season in New York is generally between January and February, and the average temperature is mostly around 0-5℃. I love winter, but I honestly hate coldness. However, I will keep going outside and shooting to horn my shooting skills.
Now, I would like to share a topic of this article. The theme is necessity of using Instagram.
As you know, Instagram has been created almost 10 years ago, 2010 and now uncountable people in the world in wide age group are loving to use Instagram. There are some different kinds of SNS, such as FaceBook and Twitter, and Instagram is a SNS that is especially good at sharing photos to Instagramers in the world. Therefore, Instagram is really good tool for street photographer.
I guess most of you are using Instagram, and I am curious that you have a specific purpose or reason of why you want to use Instagram or not.
Instagram を使う理由
A Reason Why I Use Instagram

Self Portrait, Okinawa, Japan, 2014
1 : 自分が毎日過ごす中で発見するもの、感動したこと、衝撃を受けたことなど自分というフィルターを通して何かを感じ、確かに日々を生きる軌跡を記録したい、また感じたことを視覚化したい
2 : 世界中の人々にストリートスナップや写真を撮る事そのものの楽しさ(誰でも、いつでも簡単に撮ることができる即席、自由、簡易性)を伝えたい、また発信しながら自分の電子版ポートフォリオ(作品集)を作る
現在の様にInstagramにアップするストリートスナップ写真を通して、世界の人々に写真の楽しさやストリートスナップの魅力を伝えたいという第二のモチベージョンが芽生えました。更にInstagramは誰でも閲覧できる電子版ポートフォリオ(作品集)であると思い始め、撮った写真を”作品” と呼ぶのは個人的に好きではありませんが、上記の様に写真家、
Instagram is a great social networking service that users who post photos are able to send own photos that have beeb taken by own special sensibility to viewers in the world and viewers are also able to get new perspectives through phots on Instagram. Many of users have totally different purposes to use Instagram. For instance, it is for only private, or business...etc. I love using Instagram with both ways because I think I can use Instagram as both electrical personal diary and electrical portfolio that are everyone in the world are able to look at freely in anytime anywhere.
I still do not have a 100 present clear answer for my eternal question, " why I want to take photos, why I want to shoot street photography," even though I have been pondering about that question's answers anytime. However, I have pretty explicit reasons of that. The reasons are below.
1: I would like to record things and moments what I feel, am moved and shocked in everyday life that I got through my filter, and I also would like to visualize what I sense by photographing.
2: I would like to work as a street photographer and spread a lot of good points of street photography like how photography is so much fun to people in all over the world while traveling. Also I would like to create my own electrical photo portfolio that everyone is freely able to look at. ( like website )
When I think back the time when I had begun street photography, I can recognize that I mostly had focused on recording things that I had been moved and felt interesting. Of course I had not had a strong goal that I would like to be a street photographer like now at that point, but I had had a strong root of passion for shooting street photography, such as joyful of just recording everyday life of me.
2014, I had started using Instagram, and I had no strong interest of photography at that time. Therefore, I had just used Instagram for recording only my private life like writing diary or blog.
Photos what I had posted were not unified. For instance, those were like photos of interesting building, chocolates that I had gotten from my friends, my room...etc. I randomly had posted photos freely because I had just wanted to have some kind of media to correct information of my life.
So I had used Instagram for only myself, not to share my photos to others. However, I remember that I had been so excited that photos of things what I had felt interesting and impressive had been accumulated on my account. I think that feeling is one of the roots of why I would like to take photography and use Instagram.
Then my passion of taking street photography had grown, and I had gotten a goal that I would like to spread great points of street photography and photography itself to people in the world through my photos on Instagram. That is the second root of why I would like to keep shooting.
Moreover, I had thought that Instagram would be able to function as a electrical portfolio, and I had decided to create my portfolio with Instagram. So I have been using Instagram to have those strong reasons.
Now I would like to say again that I love instagram because everyone is able to use Instagram as a personal diary to record everyday life very easily and portfolio for business. It is really cool, is not it?
How to Use Instagram

Now I am going to share how I am using Instagram specifically. I have total 3 different kinds of Instagram accounts. 2 of them are for street photography, and 1 is for only B and W street photography, and other one is for only color street photography. Then Last one is for only my private life.
I think everyone has own way to use Instagram. For instance, someone is using an account for both color and B and W photography or private and business. For me, I always get dizzy if I do not organize things around me. lol So I always try to organize my accounts by different purposes like B and W, color and private life.

1 : モノクロ、カラー写真は絶対にミックスしない
2: 毎日朝、夜と2枚の写真を投稿する。また投稿する写真には一切妥協しないこと
3 : 縦写真、横写真のバランスを考える。
4 : ハイライトツールを上手く使用する
写真活動用の2つのアカウントは、電子版”作品集” としての使用理由を主に写真を収集しているので、上記の様なことを気にしながら写真を投稿してます。項目1のアカウントをモノクロ、カラー写真混同のアカウントにしない理由としては、個人的に一つのアカウントの全体色を統一したいからです。アカウントを一目見て色がゴチャゴチャしているのが個人的に好きではないので、モノクロはモノクロ、カラーはカラーと使い分けています。
This is my one of Instagram accounts ( Only B and W street photography account ) and I am using it as a main account.
Basically I always take photos by B and W, and I post only B and W photos on this account.
I am going to share another account which is color photography account, but I mostly care about below 4 points to use street photography accounts.
1: Never mix up B and W and color photos on a same account.
2: Must post 2 best and favorite photos in morning and night time.
3: Care about balance of vertical / horizontal photos on the account. Also Post photos with white frame.
4: Use well Highlight tool
I am using two accounts for street photography as electrical portfolios, Therefore I always seriously use two accounts while caring about above points. The reason why I never mix up B and W and color photos on an account is because I would like to unify overall color of an account. I personally think that it is much better and clearer to look at an account that was unified with color and concepts of photos. Therefore, I try to have two totally different accounts, such as only B and W and color photos.


例A / 縦写真・横写真のバランスがわかるダイアグラム
Example A / Diagram shows how I organize vertical and horizontal photos on the account.
Yellow= horizontal
最後の項目4 のハイライトですが、項目3同様、写真活動をする上でかなり重要だと思います。何故なら投稿したストーリーをハイライトにまとめることにより、見る側が発信者の活動経験をより深く知ることができると思うからです。
例えば僕の場合は自分のプロジェクト、フィーチャー、雑誌掲載、FRAME TOKYO 関連など、就活の履歴書の様にカッチリしたものではありませんが、今までの写真活動を通して確かに得た経験をまとめ、投稿写真同様にキャリアの一部としてまとめ発信する様心がけています。
This is a color street photography account. I rarely take color photos and post them on only this account. I personally think it is better to organize photos by colors and have two different accounts if you want to post both color and B and W photos like I do.
Also it is good to organize what you usually think and like generally by creating two different accounts because I mostly have totally different minds when I shoot by color and B and W photos. So I can find new things I have never realized before.
I always try to post 2 best and favorite photos every day. It is because I usually take lots of photos everyday, and I feel it is better to share photos as many / fast as possible through Instagram. Also I have a feeling that I want to give a pressure to myself to have a mindset that I must post 2 photos so that I am always able to take photography seriously even if I am so busy with something like works everyday.
Moreover, I personally emphasize to care about total balance of photos on the account. More specifically I am talking about how I post vertical / horizontal photos equally. I think if I organize vertical / horizontal photos equally, viewers are able to look at my account clearer. Also I always post every photos with white frames so that photos on the account look be much more organized, unified and neat.
Lastly it is also very important to use Highlight tool to share how you are working as a street photographer. It is because viewers who look at your account are able to know your career more deeply. For instance, I have a highlights of my projects, featured photos, publishing magazine and FRAME TOKYO news...etc. I feel it looks like a casual / informal and creative resume and I love it so much! Therefore, I always feel that I must use Highlight tool efficiently to share what I did thought my photography career to viewers. Are you guys using Highlight tool well?

This is the third account that I use as only private account. I use it much more freely compared with two photography accounts. I always try to post whatever I want to share, such as things what I loved, was attracted and felt strong interests. I also do not care about total color of this account like two photography accounts because I do not want to restrict myself to post photos for this private account. I realized one good thing that it is really nice to collect photos of what I like because I can notice things what I really like that are hidden in my mind through looking at collected photos. Moreover, it would be really helpful to create something like photography and design.
For instance, I am working as a designer, and I always get so many inspirations and ideas of new designs through my photos on my private account.
This is how I use Instagram, and use 3 different accounts. I divide accounts by different purposes, such as B and W photo, Color photo and private life, and I really recommend you have some accounts to organize information like I do. It is not difficult to have 2 or 3 accounts because we can always shift to different accounts very easily.
Also I would like to say that having multiple accounts are really good because you can connect with different fields of people ( ex, design, B and W and color photo lovers.) We cannot connect with people physically, but I think it is awesome to get strong connections that are in your interests. That is really cool thing, is not that ?

そんなわけで是非、Instagramを積極的に使ってみてください!!SNSに億劫な方も是非トライして見てください!! (僕も使いはじめはそうでした。笑) きっと新しい発見があるはずです。
また素敵な写真を是非ハッシュタグ、#frametokyocollective を使ってFRAME TOKYO アカウントにシェアしましょう。
あなたの写真がFRAME TOKYO アカウント内でフィーチャーされるかもしれません!
Stay healthyでいきましょう!
This time, I shared how Instagram is really good SNS and how I use Instagram.
I could realized how photography is so fun and cool media when I looked back my lots of photos on three different accounts. Especially I was so happy that I could find some new things I had not be able to notice before looking back my photos.
It is very interesting, and design and art need lots of time to complete. For instance, if you think about design process, first you need to created and develop enough a root of idea of design, then create a plan for a client. Then improve / horn draft design toward a completed form while having conversation with the clients. Lastly, push harder to finis design... etc. For creating art works, it is totally depends on what you are going to make, but you would also need to take lots of time to complete making work.
Of course I love this process because I know if I take lots of time for developing works, the quality of work would be definitely greater and I never criticize the process that needs to take lots of time. However, I want to say that photography has totally opposite good points, such as being able to get an unexpected and impressive work by just having a camera, your own sensibility and releasing shutter. It is really simple and quick process compared with design and art, however I really love it because everyone from children to adults are able to create great work without any specific and academic knowledges and skills.
If you think about being a designer, it is generally said that you need to go to art university to acquire academic knowledges and techniques through so many complicated projects and assignments and take a degree to works in deigns institutions. It sounds tough and much difficult to be a designer than photographer, is not it ? Comparing with that, everyone is ale to be a photographer if you have some camera. There is no need to get speciall skills and knowledges, and go to university. Children like just 2 or 3 years old are able to be a photographer, and there are so many possibility for photography. Therefore, I really love photography and I always hope a lot of people are able to take photos with your cameras.
It is totally up to you to share your photos you have taken to others or post onInstagram, but you will definitely give viewers lots of inspirations throughout your photos. I never think that my photo is like a photo that makes someone's mind change, and I really need to improve more and more. However, if there is a possibility that viewers are able to get some inspirations and new perspectives through my photos, I would like to keep sharing my works on Instagram or other medias well.
I hope you all will use Instagram well to inspire each other!!
Also I hope you use hashtag, #frametokyocollective to be featured your great photos on FARME TOKYO account!! It is nice too be feared as a photographer, and it is also great opportunity to be featured! I look forward to see your impressive works !
Thank you so much for reading such a long article, and see you soon.