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写真とことば - 世界の写真家編 -

Writer's picture: Kyosuke Hamao Kyosuke Hamao

Photographical Words - Photographers in the World -

みなさんこんにちは、FRAME TOKYOのKYOSUKEです。変わらずお元気でしょうか。







少しでもシェアできたらと思い、" 写真と言葉-日本の写真家編- " という記事を書かせて頂きました。今回はその続きである"世界の写真家編"をお送りしたいと思います。

世界には数え切れないほどの素晴らしい写真家さんがいらっしゃいますよね。みなさんは一体どの写真家がお好きですか? この記事では勝手ではありますが、僕が個人的に尊敬する外国人写真家の言葉を集めてみました。


Hi everyone. I am KYOUSKE. How are you doing ? I hope everyone is doing well, and staying safe and healthy in such a difficult time.

It is almost new year, and what are you excited about new year?

We have lots of joyful events, such as christmas, new year party and parade...etc.

I am personally excited about spending my free time with my favorite books and coffee in a very quiet New York during the new year vacation.

I really miss to spend new year in Japan because there are lots of delicious food and traditional food called Osechi, and I could enjoy them with my friends and family if I went back to Tokyo. But I cannot get such delicious Japanese food in NY, and I cannot watch fun Japanese TV shows in here.

Therefore, I always tend to imagine how

I could spend such a good time in Tokyo if

I went back there in NY. It is kind of sad thing, however instead of that, I enjoy reading favorite books and having favorite coffee in a quiet room during vacation every year. This is also good because I cannot usually spend my free time slowly and calmly. Anyway I hope I can go back to Japan soon.

Now I would like to talk about this article.

My previous article was mainly about how professional street photographers in Japan, such as Daido Moriyama and Nobuyoshi Araki were thinking about their photos, and

I collected some quotes from them to analyze their photographic knowledges and habits. For this time, I would like to share some great quotes from professional street photographers in the world and think how they also try to think about street photography as well as last article.

I know there are so many great photographers in the world, and I am curious who you like. For this time, I would like to chose some impressive masters and share their quotes. I hope the article will help your street snaps. Let's get started !!


André Kertész


" Seeing is not enough; you have to feel what you photograph. "

" 撮るものを見るだけでなく、感じなくてはいけない"





If we look back the process of shooting, we can recognize that we mainly shoot like below.

1: see and find something with your eyes

2: feel something

3: shoot

I think that process is the typical one, and I felt that André Kertész told us how the process of feeling was important and photographer needed to focus on sensing carefully something rather than just find and shoot after I saw his quote. I think if we can shoot what we feel, not we only see, we would be able to get our unique photos because everyone can see one object in the almost same way, however, we do not have same perspectives and feeling, which means that we are not same and that is why André Kertész says feeling is very important for shooting street photography.


Saul Leiter


" I take photos on my neighborhood. I think that mysterious things happen in familiar places. We do not always need to run to the other end of the world. "

" いつも近所の周りを撮りますよ。だって不思議なことや面白いことは自分の良く知っている場所に起こると思うから。だから写真を撮るのにそんなに遠くの果てに行かなくてもいいんです。"


カラー写真で有名なSaul Leiter の有名な言葉の一つです。Saul LeiterはNYのEastVIllage という地区に長年住み、数十年間自宅周辺およびEastVIllage地区を主に撮り続けてきたことで有名です。その理由はSaul Leiter自身がEastVIllageという場所を愛していたことは勿論ですが、言葉にある、自分の生活範囲内に実は面白い瞬間は沢山ある、という考えがあるからです。




This quote was form Saul Leiter, who is very famous as a pioneer of color photography in the world. He is also know that he has kept living and shooting at East Village for a long time.

It is said that the reason is because he really loved East Village, and he thought there were so many mysterious and interesting moments in the place were is familiar as his quote.

I totally agree with Saul Letter's though, and I think we do not need to we do not need to go far places where we are not familiar to make great works, and we are able to capture interesting moments around our familiar places. Of course I feel shooting different places where I do not usually walk around or traveling is very special, and it is super fun. However, I also want to say that actually there are much more possibilities to capture interesting and unique moments in familiar places compared with unfamiliar places because we know what they are.

I have tried some times to just walk around my home and shoot many moments, and it quite worked and I could get many interesting photos. I recommend you to try that once when you have free time.


William Klein


" Be yourself. I much prefer seeing something, even it is clumsy, that doesn't look like somebody's work. "



William Klein は20世紀中頃にかけて、世界で初めてアレ・ブレ・ボケをストリートスナップ界に取り入れたパイオニアとして大変有名ですが、そんな新しいストリートスナップの世界を作り上げたKleinが言う、”自分自身であること” という言葉は非常に重みがあり説得力がありますよね。




生きていれば様々なことを経験し様々な人と出会います。そしていつしか周りに流れたり自分自身を見失う瞬間があるかと思いますが、Klein の”自分自身であること”という言葉は日々生活する上でもしかり、ストリートスナップをする上でも大変重要なことですよね。

ストリートスナップの巨匠、Klein から大切なことを学びました。

William Klein is very famous for a pioneer who brought a new photographic expression, such as rough, blurred and out-of-focus into photography world in the middle of 20 century. Because such a big photographer who achieved a totally new thing, his quote is very weighty and reliable.

It is said that in the middle of 20 century, realism was still a main concept in photography world, and there was no radical expression, such as rough, blurred and out-of-focus in photography. However, Klein aimed to bring such technique to express moments he saw through his sensibility and sight without caring other's opinions.

I think Klein tells us how important to believe yourself and your photo even if someone look at your photos and say like your photos are not good, and even if you take mistaken shots as well.

I have mentioned about caring evaluations and opinions from others on my previous article, and I really would like to say similar thing on this article that photographer should not care too much about other's opinions, such as likes and follows on SNS. Also I think It is ok to observe other's opinions after you post your photos. The most important thing is to think why you wanted to take your photos and why you liked your photos. Ultimately, I can say that photographers can just look at ourselves and be on their way without looking at other's opinions and thoughts . ( Of course I strongly would like to mention that every photographer must not doing something being against the law and must not hurt someone, especially subjects of your photo through your street photography. Moreover, it is important to ask yourself what issues are in your photos through hearing other's opinions. )

I think Klein's quote, " Be yourself..." is really important for everyday life and street photography. I learned a lot of things from him.





最後まで読んで頂きありがとうございました。おそらくこの記事が今年最後になりそうなので良いお年をです。今年もFRAME TOKYOを応援してくださりありがとうございました!! 2021年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします!!


This time I tried to share some impressive and weighty quotes from great photographers in the world with my personal analysis. We can notice that there are so many different types of expressions and styes in art, design and photographic worlds. An interesting things what I found is that photos taken by photographers changed dramatically by each periods economic and political situations. We can recognize that even though now we have so many different types of photographic expressions, it is because of photographers achievements in the past. I think it is really important to look back carefully what and how photographers in the past did and thought about street photography.

Nowadays, we have a greta tool, such as internet, to get so many academic knowledges, and we always are able to get inspirations through looking at masters quotes and thoughts by googling.

It is crucial to use such a great technology to improve your photos.

Thank you so much for reading, and I guess this article would be the last one in 2020. So I am going to say happy new year and I hope your new year will be wonderful and meaningful for you.

See you soon.


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