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Introduction and a Story about Photography for me

読者のみなさん、こんにちは。Frame Tokyo に今月から入りました、Kyosuke と申します。


この記事ではFrame Tokyo をすでにご存知の方、写真に興味のある方など読者全ての人が少しでも写真を好きになっていただけるよう、僕が写真と出会ったきっかけと写真についてお話したいと思います。

Thank you so much for finding this article. I am Kyosuke Hamao, who has just joined in Frame Tokyo Collective on the middle of May, 2020. I am a designer and amateur street photographer based in New York, The U.S, and I am so honored to join such a great photography collective in Tokyo Japan and write articles on Frame Tokyo website.

I am going to write my first article about what is photography for me with a strong hope that readers will be able to get interest of photography. I hope everyone will enjoy my article!!


A Wonderful Encounter with Photography

叔父から譲り受けたNikon F

Nikon F that I have gotten from my uncle

全ての始まりは18歳の頃、写真が趣味の叔父から頂いたNikon Fというフイルムカメラでした。当時の私は写真がどうしても好きという特別な感情もなく、ぼんやりと、まるで我が子のように楽しそうにカメラを手入れしている叔父の姿を後ろから眺めていただけだったのですが、そんな叔父との写真散歩を共にしているうちにある日突然、自分でも写真を撮ってみたい!!と思うようになり、叔父に駄目元で何かちょうだいとおねだりしました。

叔父の部屋に入ると、約10台ほどの名機と呼ばれるフィルムカメラがキレイに棚に飾られていました。その中から「大切に使うんだよ」とNikon Fをいただき、初めて自分のカメラを手にした感動や胸のドキドキは今でも忘れられません。その後はフィルムなしでシャッターを切る練習やNikon Fの専門書を古本屋で探し出し研究したりと、夢中で自分のカメラのことや基礎知識を勉強しました。

The reason I started taking photography was Nikon F, which I got from my uncle when I was

18 years old. At that time, I didn't have any special feeling that I really wanted to get camera or taking photography, and I was just looking at my uncle who was cleaning up his film cameras happily like a kid who is starting his important treasure from his back.

One day, while I was walking with my uncle, suddenly, I started thinking that I would like to take a photo like my uncle, and asked him to get one of his camera. Luckily he accepted my request and took me to his room.

When I entered the room, I saw that about 10 famous film cameras were beautifully displayed and organized on the wooden shelves. From among them, I got a Nikon F and we promised to use it carefully and importantly. I still cannot forget the excitement and moment that I got to

my own first camera and it was supper memorable and impressive.

After that, I practiced shooting without a film, searched for a Nikon F book that I can know what it is at a second-hand bookstore, and studied my camera and basic knowledge.

I was passionately absorbed in photography before I knew it.


Significant Word from My Uncle







Once I got the basic knowledge about photography, I sometimes didn't know what I wanted to shoot. At first, I was shooting a landscape randomly, but I asked myself what I really have interest of? I could not figure out my question, so I asked my uncle about that and

he gave me a nice comment :

" When you are stacked taking photos, do not think seriously about photography. You just shoot what you felt you want to capture and you would see what you want to capture when you look back your photos you have taken. Just keep going and shooting everyday. "

After receiving his words, I had the habit of taking photos without difficult thought about photography anyway, and after shooting about five films a day for half a year, my question of photography disappeared and, I enjoyed taking pictures again. Even though it has been a while since I started photography, I still remember my uncle's words when I cannot shoot well, and when I got be stacked, I always shoot a lot with no thinking.


The Possibility of Photography





My collection of Daido Moriyama's books and his photo books












After that, unfortunately I spent more time on other things, lessening the opportunity and desire to take pictures, and more time putting the camera on the shelf, but three years ago, I started from scratch again. I decided to study photography seriously.

One day, when I am searching online to get books about photography, I accidentally found that a world-famous photographer, Daido Moriyama was featured on a popular monthly magazine about life style on every page, and I was strongly shocked with his powerful black and white cover photo. I was mysteriously drawn into Mr. Daido Moriyama's photo because my uncle have been taking black and white photos and I was also as well.

After that, I learned the basic knowledge of photography again from books, and practiced shooting in the city with Olympus digital camera I got from my friend, and repeatedly read Daido Moriyama's books and photo books to study about his theory of photography and his thoughts on photography until midnight.

I continued that every day and I noticed that when I was shocked to see his photo for the first time, I was just simply attracted by superficial Moriyama's unique and powerful expression, but as I repeatedly read his book, I could deeply understand why he has been taking black and white photography, using a strong high contrast and grane on his works. I was attracted to his inner thought of photography and wanted to study more about him and other famous photographer.

Mr. Daido Moriyama wrote in his various books that quantity matters more than quality of photos = taking photos as many as possible, and I was deeply impressed with his word because it was almost same with the word I have gotten from my uncle. However, in his part of photography theory, he says,

"Photography is to record daily life and just copies of the various fragments of memories in the city and hidden memories in your head."

I was impressed with this theory and got a sense that photography has a strong potential.

I thought that photography might be a very simple expression medium that we can just snap what we get interest while walking, and even thought the action of snapping is simple, so many complicated elements, such as photographer's conscious/ unconscious thoughts, subject's thought and feeling, fragments of memories and atmosphere of the age we live now are mixed packed into the photo that was taken.

Therefore, it is very interesting that when someone sees the photo, they can get something strange feeling that they can remember the sight or experience that they saw someday in the past. Even thought photography is to record now, It is directly connected to the past and now, and

photography provides photographers / readers time travel.

I thought from Daido Moriyama's theory of photography that photography is a mysterious and wonderful medium of expression that connects the past, the present, and the future. It's just my interpretation, so I don't know if this is the same as Mr. Moriyama's interpretation of photography. However, I strongly believe how photography has a powerful potential and when I do a snap, I usually try to just record what I see or feel interesting or something that catches my memory. I do not usually snap with a difficult concept and set / have particular photo style.





引き続きFrame Tokyoをよろしくお願いします!!

I think that the view what we normally see with eyes and viewfinder or LCD screen on the camera are slightly different and it is very interesting experience. It does not matter what kind of camera you have and it is totally fine if you do not have an expensive camera. I strongly hope that you just record in your life if you have your own camera. When you continue snapping everyday, you will definitely see your hidden desire, goal, concerns...etc and will also be able to know what you want to capture with camera.

It would be great if anyone who is reading this article would be interested in photography as much as possible. By all means, let's simply take photos and record your daily life without any difficult thought and concept, such as composition, exposure, and angle.

I appreciate that you continued support for Frame Tokyo !!


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